Welcome to dontmindthecalories - a newbie in Food and Travel Blog based in Jambi, Indonesia.

Who are behind this blog?

The team behind this blog are Vivi.S (the photographer and writer) and David.S (the lovely and supportive husband). We married in September 2014, and would love to share our story about food and our travel. From the first time we met, we always share our love and passion for good food and chilling-hangout places. Going places to try their foods, one important lesson from our parents that we always keep is that we never waste any food. If you can finish it, then only you order it!

Why 'dontmindthecalories'?


Long story short, this 'dontmindthecalories' suggested by my back-then boyfriend when he knew I love to take and share pictures of my foods on Instagram. He suggested why not go all in about it and make an Instagram account about those foods. We came out with the name 'dontmindthecalories'  because of our 'believe' that good and delicious foods are made for us to enjoy. How could you possibly enjoy them if you always mind about the calories you will gain? Hahaha...

How this blog started?

I started this blog a while ago to share about my personal experience, foods we tried and some recipes I tried to make at home. But because I'm not good at putting my thoughts into writing, I was a bit discouraged and become lazy about it.

With the promise from my beloved husband to help me with this blog, I will restart this and hopefully I will keep it going... Anyway, since we are new about this, please pardon our writings and posts. We will learn to be better and better as we go on. Everything aside, we will try our best to make our posts as fun and as comprehensive as possible. We'd love to hear what you think about this blog and give us some advises to make it better.

Well, I guess that would be all. I hope you'll enjoy our posts and always support us... 

Keep enjoy eating & dontmindthecalories.


EMAIL : vivis.lee77@gmail.com

find me on INSTAGRAM  | |  FACEBOOK  | |  TWITTER


EMAIL : dontmindthecalories@gmail.com

find us on INSTAGRAM  | |  FACEBOOK 

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